Değişik sosyal medya hesaplarında CESR yoluyla denklik almanın mümkün olmadığına dair gerçek dışı açıklamalar olmaktadır. Oysaki CESR yolu kanun ile tanımlanmış İngiltere dışında ihtisas yapmış olan hekimler için bir denklik alma yoludur. Olumsuz yorumları dikkate almak yerine “https://www.gmc-uk.org/registration-and-licensing/join-the-register/registration-applications/specialist-application-guides/specialist-registration-cesr-or-cegpr” internet adresi üzerinden GMC’nin resmi sitesinden ilgili mevzuata dayalı hazırlanmış bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz. Öte yandan uzman hekimlerin kamuda çalıştıkları kurum olan NHS tarafından “https://eastmidlandsdeanery.nhs.uk/sas/cesr” adresinden sağlanan bilgilerden

Some notes for graduates from Turkey & India Moving to the UK to find work represents a well-travelled path. For example, many medical schools around the world frequently utilise similar textbooks or contents as British institutions, meaning students are equipped with transferrable knowledge. Moreover, the liberal and multicultural society that exists in the UK makes the country very welcoming to overseas professionals. Furthermore, the

For international medical professionals, emigrating to the UK for a physician role is often considered to be an attractive career path. There are many routes filled with potential opportunities for professional success and development. However, becoming an international doctor in the UK does have its challenges, too. Moving abroad and starting a new life in a foreign culture and language is always going to