Working as a Doctor in the UK;
General Medical Council (GMC) &
National Health Service (NHS)
All doctors must be registered with a license to practice by General Medical Council (GMC) before starting to work in the UK. The National Health Service (NHS) is the organization that provides health care and employs doctors. A GMC license is a prerequisite to work on the NHS. It is also necessary to have a GMC license to provide health care in private hospitals or solo practice in the UK.
There are different ways to apply for registration with a license to practice in the UK
It depends on your qualification and experience. This eligibility tool will identify the correct application for you and will give you guidance on the steps you need to take.
This eligibility test is for international medical graduates with an acceptable postgraduate qualification. It is the first step before applying for full registration.
You are eligible for this route if you:
and you:

Who has with a title of academic or research medicine;
For doctors with a title of academic or research medicine (such as associated professor or professor) who have not followed a full approved GMC training program, but have knowledge, skills, and experience in a very specific area. Applicants if successfully demonstrate that they have academic or research and clinical skills equivalent to those of a consultant in the UK health services, their registration process, and licensing procedure can be easier.
After determining which application is suitable for you, we can carry out your GMC application process. The eligibility evaluation will help to make sure you are ready to make the correct application when you give us all the information we need. By doing this, we'll be able to process your GMC application more efficiently.
Thank you for choosing us to assist you in this process.
This eligibility test is for international medical graduates with an acceptable postgraduate qualification. It is the first step before applying for full registration.
Thank you for choosing us to assist you in this process.

GMC criteria for acceptable overseas
qualifications of medical school

We respect your right to privacy
We respect your right to privacy and will only process personal information you provide to us in accordance with the applicable privacy legislation in the jurisdictions in which we operate, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), tailored by the Data Protection Act 2018 and any national implementing laws, regulations and secondary legislation, as amended or updated from time to time and then any successor legislation.

Portfolio Pathway (PP) Başvuru Kılavuzu – 2. Bölüm
2. Bölüm Bu kılavuz, GMC web sitesi aracılığıyla Portföy Yolu (PP) ile “hekim olarak çalışma…

Portfolio Pathway (PP) Başvuru Kılavuzu – 1. Bölüm
1. Bölüm: Genel Tanımlar Bu kılavuz, GMC web sitesi aracılığıyla Portföy Yolu (PP) ile “hekim…

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